
Het behouden huis by Willem Frederik Hermans
Het behouden huis by Willem Frederik Hermans

Het behouden huis by Willem Frederik Hermans

Before devoting his entire life to writing, Hermans had been teaching Physical Geography at the University of Groningen for many years. Language is essential to create order out of chaos and plays an important role in th Willem Frederik Hermans is one of the greatest post-war Dutch authors. It is inevitable that all these experiences of reality will collide. It is Hermans’s belief that in order to survive people have to create their own reality. His caustic pieces were compiled in Mandarijnen op zwavelzuur (Mandarines in Sulphuric Acid, 1963), which was reprinted with additions a number of times. His polemic and provocative style led to a court case as early as 1952. He had already started writing and publishing in magazines at a young age. Willem Frederik Hermans is one of the greatest post-war Dutch authors.

Het behouden huis by Willem Frederik Hermans